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My name is Aimee McPherson, I am a video editor, videographer, photographer, and graphic designer. + as a life-long learner as well, I find it of value to not only consistently improve my artistic skills, but also work through challenges important in growing in my personal life as well.


When faced with a slump, loss of motivation, or loss of energy, I advocate for rest and recuperation. The creative world is known for its "crunch" periods and overcoming art blocks by force, but I have not found this mindset to be productive, healthy, nor helpful for the current or next slump.

I created this space to challenge my creativity, learn new skills, and to meet and collaborate with artists who share similar values. There is no limit to progress, as long as you are open and hungry to learn. Thus, such exhibition holds no standard of perfection, and encourages sharing work to be proud of, regardless of skill level. FILE 99 opens its arms to artists who want to healthily and earnestly grow as creatives; celebrating creative bloom is just as important as embracing dull periods, and FILE 99 strives to provide an avenue to cope and/or give and receive inspiration and community support to those who need it. After all, we're all only human, and humans need each other. With the proper mindset and support,

progress is limitless.



The crux of FILE 99's vision relies on the strife for creativity, innovation, growth, curiosity, regardless of the variety or simplicity of subjects. It introduces something … independent … from much of the online atmosphere. 

As a digital creative exhibit, FILE 99 strives to become a space that nurtures and facilitates curiosity, learning, growth, passion, presentation, and embraces the intricacies of it all;


From the lows of mediocrity, failures, and apathy, to the highs of success, completion, new opportunities, and moving onto something bigger and better, expanding the limits. 

We work, improve, expand, rest, reset, and continue to move forward. 

DESIRES To improve as an artist and as a person, surrounded by a community cultivated throughout my growth.

FEARS Stagnation and loss of passion.

STRENGTHS Videography, photography, editing, marketing, planning.

WEAKNESSES Must become jack of all trades.

Earnest creation and sharing; optimism in all stages.  ENCOURAGES

Stressing during creative slumps.  DISCOURAGES

Progress is limitless.  MOTTO

Open-minded, optimistic, nurturing, dreamer, expansive. TRAITS

Grow into an exhibition of many art forms and types of artists.  GOALS

Lack of man-power; limited to my own skills.  OBSTACLES

Inspiring people out of creative slumps.  STRENGTHS

Still very “young” and needs time to blossom.  WEAKNESSES



Est. 2023

LIKES    Music, concerts, nature, cinematography, film, and travel.

DISLIKES Apathy, stagnation, and lack of color.

TRAITS Down-to-earth, adventurous, multi-faceted, determined.



the artist / 23 / founder

MOTTO Trust the process.


+ 03 MEET THE founder +

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